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   Dear All Shareholders and Valued Customers,

            The Bank is committed to be a valuable local bank and a bridge connecting the economies of Thailand and China in order to strengthen the economic and societal ties between the two countries, therefore, its goal is to grow sustainably together with the Thai society. Moreover, the Bank aims to create long-term value for its shareholders through good governance, responsible business operations, prudent risk management and realization of impacts to all stakeholders.
      The Bank partakes in the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) Declaration of the Thai Banking Association in order to set the framework for sustainable banking of the Thai Banking industry in accordance with the responsible lending guidelines and the United Nations’ principles of responsible banking. These initiations aim to jointly rectify problems concerning the environment, social and governance relating to climate change, diversity and human rights, access to financial services and equality in accordance with the principle of sustainable development of the United Nations and commitments under the Paris Agreement.   
      In terms of the environment, the Bank recognizes the urgent need to manage environmental problems which the Bank has set the guidelines for green house emission of its own organization, set the limit for providing financial support to projects or industries that use fossil fuel while increasing financial support to projects that are environmentally friendly. In 2023, the Bank included the environmental and climate change risk as part of the Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM) of the ICBC (Thai) Group in order to cover the various risks that may affect the business and operations of the Bank in the future.
      In terms of social responsibility, the Bank places importance on social activities focusing on youth development. In 2023, the Bank granted scholarships to undergraduate students, who had good academic records but lacked funds, for the fifth consecutive year. Moreover, the Bank also held the “ICBC (Thai) Promotes Financial Discipline” in order to provide youths at undergraduate level in the provinces where its branches are located with basic financial knowledge and warn them about the danger of financial fraud. Last year, more than 800 students participated in the activities..
      As for governance, ICBC (Thai) operates its business with transparency, good governance, fairness and equity to its customers. Moreover, the Bank strictly complies with rules and regulations of its regulators as well as related laws. The Bank places importance on compliance culture so as to ensure the stakeholders that the Bank can grow sustainably. In addition, the Bank has been a member of Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (“CAC”) since 2012 and its membership was approve for re-certification for the second time in 2023..
      The Bank is truly committed to drive and provide support to businesses in terms of sustainability to add long-term value to their businesses and to respond to the expectations of all groups of stakeholders in terms of performance, good corporate governance along with being responsible for the environment and society in order to create a strong and sustainable future together. 

Mr. Yimin Hu
Chairman of the Board of Directors 
