您现在的位置: 首页 > 关于我行 > 金融消费者保护中心 > Complaint
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q3/2024
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q2/2024
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q1/2024
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q4/2023
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q3/2023
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q2/2023
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q1/2023
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q4/2022
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q3/2022
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q2/2022
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q1/2022
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q4/2021
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q3/2021
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q2/2021
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q1/2021
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q4/2020
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q3/2020
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q2/2020
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q1/2020
Customer Complaint Statistic as of Q4/2019
• There are no compliant case in Q3/2019
• There is no complaint case in Q2/2019
• There is no complaint case in Q1/2019
